Bruce Burger
7 min readOct 20, 2020


At The Speed of Life!

The universe is a living Being. You and I are atoms in the galactic body of the universal life. Fortunately, the medium of creation is Shakti! The radiance of the consciousness of the Supreme Being. The stuff of creation is the all pervasive ultimate intelligence of the Source. The light of the one Life and one Consciousness underlies all creation.

Everything that exists, is a feedback loop. A field eminating from a source, taking in its expierence as it’s energetic radiance sustains the field in an unending process of self correction. This recursiveness is the definition of consciousness. This ubiquitous feedback loop …at the speed of life…is what we mean by higher inteligence.

Energy fields are Cybernetic.

Energy moves from a nucleus out to manifest a field and returns to its source to self correct into the manifestation of the next cycle. Is this recursiveness the very definition of “consciousness”?

“Autopoiesis self creating”… is the term Biologists use to articulate the definitive characteristic of life.


The Golden Ratio Spiral describes the mathematics of the breath of Brahma.

The golden ratio spiral is infinitely recursive…


The Golden Ratio is the mathematics of the Breath of Brahma… The Breath of the Cosmos…

In EXACTLY THE SAME WAY…that we can say that everything that moves in your body from quark to macrocosm is is sustained by the breath of life…. Everything that moves in creation from quark to galaxy is the spiraling breath of Brahma. Universe means, attuned to one coil…and that one coil is the golden spiral. The profound beauty of the golden ratio spiral is that it is infinitely recursive… fields within fields seamless nest within each other in an infinite holoarchy. Recursiveness is the fundamental dynamic of energy fields. Is Recursiveness the definition of consciousness?….is consciousness recursiveness!

The ability to learn is our definition of intelligence. Recursiveness is the fundamental dynamic of energy fields. Contemporary biologists reveal that the definitive characteristic of life is autopoesis… Self Creation… the ability to replicate and recreate itself… This is the universal basis of all living processes in Nature.

Dynamic gif illustrating energy field dynamics…revealing the infinite recursiveness of the cybernetic nature of homeostasis…the fundamental principle of life and the definition of Intelligence!

Recursiveness Defines Consciousness!

At The Speed Of Life!

A deeper contemplation of the ancient wisdom of India takes us beyond the dramatic iconography of personified gods and goddesses to reveal the fundamental dynamics underlying creation!

Vedanta the culmination of knowledge has the capacity to shatter our concepts about God…the mystification, glamour and patricharchial iconography that has been forced upon humanity over the millennium.

The Upanishads, ancient esoteric commentaries reveal that the stuff of creation is Intelligence! An all pervasive… omnipresent… universal intelligence…as the definitive characteristic of matter, life and consciousness.

“As a mass of salt is without inside, without outside, is altogether a mass of taste, even so, verily, is this Self without inside, without outside, altogether a mass of intelligence only…” Brhadaranyaka Upanishad

“Understand me only,” and reveals the doctrine of “The Supremacy of Intelligence.”For verily, without intelligence, speech does not make known (to the self) any name whatsoever. “My mind was elsewhere,” he says, “I did not cognise that name.”

For verily, without intelligence breath does not make known any odour whatsoever. “My mind was elsewhere,” he says. “I did not cognise that odour.”

For verily, without intelligence the ear does make known any sound whatsoever. “My mind was elsewhere,” he says, “I did not cognise that sound.” . . .

Verily, if there were no elements of intelligence, there would be no elements of existence. . . .

For as in a chariot the felly is fixed on the spokes and the spokes are fixed on the hub, even so these elements of existence are fixed on the elements of intelligence and the elements of intelligence are fixed in the breathing spirit.

The same breathing spirit is, truly, the intelligent Self, bliss, ageless, immortal.”


The dynamic of the Lissajous figure dancing through a horn taurus illustrates the cybernetic feedback loop that defines energy fields. Energy universally moves from a nucleus into a field and back to its source… gathering information for self correction.

The ability to learn is our definition of intelligence. Recursiveness is the fundamental dynamic of energy fields.

Contemporary biologists teach that the definitive characteristic of life is autopoesis Self Creation…the ability to replicate and recreate itself… This is the universal basis of all proceses in Nature.

“Living systems are cognitive systems, and living as a process is a process of cognition. This statement is valid for all organisms, with or without a nervous system.” 1


There is a Self Organizing Intelligence at the heart of everything. Every atom, molecule, cell of living organisms is a feedback loop, maintaining its homeostasis.

Every living organism is constantly dealing with its environment. Using this input to self correct and maintain its viability. This ability to integrate input from the environment into expression is the very definition of intelligence.

Biologists have coined the word autopoiesis which means “self creating” to describe this defining quality of living beings. In the course of its life , a living organisms is constantly recreating and replacing its cells. While every living cell is incessantly changing as it grows and interacts with its environment… through processes of homeostasis and autopoiesis this “Intelligence” is unchanging.

Shiva and Shakti…. Bhava and Bhavani

The Upanishads are revered as the pinnacle of the ancient esoteric teachings of India. In the Brhad-aranyaka Upanishad (which is considered to be one of the most important of the Upanishads), Yajnavalkya explains:

“As a mass of salt is without inside, without outside, is altogether a mass of taste, even so, verily, is this Self without inside, without outside, altogether a mass of intelligence only.”

In the macrocosm of our lives, we experience this very same “intelligence” as cognizance, awareness… presence.

While everything in creation changes… this Presence is unchanging. From your first breath of life to your last gasp as life leaves your body…you are present, cognizant, aware… of your experience.

In Indian philosophy this Presence is called the Self. This “SELF” is recognized as the GOD IN EVERYTHING.

In Energy Medicine we are constantly focused on working with this all pervasive, living, Divine Intelligence

In the ancient wisdom of India, a distinction is offered between “Shiva” defined as unchanging Being… Pure consciousness, presence, intelligence and “Shakti” Bhavani the living goddess of Nature which is incessantly changing… Becoming.

Shiva means auspicious and describes the scintillating experience of being alive and conscious, of seeing, touching feeling. The whole tamale of being alive and conscious in a body.

Therapeutic Presence In The Healing Arts
In the last 50 years we have participated in a revolution in our understanding of healing. A realization that the foundation of healing is “Therapeutic Presence.”

The understanding that the healing essence found within the myriad of diverse approaches to healing is Therapeutic Presence.

A body disintegrates when it becomes too dense or toxic and resistant to the self correcting essence of this intelligence… this is the disease process.

Wholistic healing revolves around taking responsibility for cleansing, mobilizing and nourishing the fluidity of our bodies and a receptivity to our innate “Higher Intelligence”.

The Profound Power of Therapeutic Presence in the Healing Arts
The foundation of Energy Medicine is an understanding of “Presence” as the power conventionally called “The Soul”. The animating force which is the at the root of Life.

God lives within you (Intelligence) as you (Presence)…

  1. Santiago Theory of Cognition, Social biologist Humberto Maturana.”

Manly Hall’s magnum opus THE SECRET TEACHING OF ALL AGES has this Illustration centered on the first page with a caption describing Dr Babbitt as a genius… Is Babbitt’s microclairvoyant image of an atomic field the key to the secret teaching of all ages?

See article ”Revisiting Babbit’s Atom” on Medium…



Bruce Burger
Bruce Burger

Written by Bruce Burger

Bruce Burger, MA,BCPP, is founder of Heartwood Institute and author of Esoteric Anatomy: The Body As Consciousness.

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